Found in my resilience toolkit

Do you feel like you're starting to get a smidgen more of an understanding behind the resilience toolkit? If not, check previous post!
In this post, you'll find my top 6 resilience tools, just a few of the many I keep mentally handy. Just these have made a significant difference in my day to day!
Particularly as a solopreneur that's navigating neurodivergence and mainly working from home.
Want to elevate your leadership game?
Find out what's in your toolkit and become the resilient leader that you've allowed to gather dust 👀
Your [right now] self will thank you.
• Build a neurodivergent-friendly toolkit to dodge burnout
• Understand your unique leadership style + values
• Build resilience + adaptability
• Lead with authenticity + culturally aware communication
• Rewrite those default beliefs, stories, and knee-jerk responses
• Reclaim your seat at the table – it's been waiting for you!
Think: 4 months with like minded leaders wanting to level up, meeting biweekly on Wednesdays, chock full of laser coaching/homework/exercises/discerning innate tools/lite book club/ plus more.
Sliding scale available and yes, work can cover this or if you're an entrepreneur → hello education tax write off
Hey, I’m Viki and I a woman of many facets. The quick version is, I curate community through connection, collaboration, and creativity. I bring people together to create and connect as a community consultant, I bring people together to contribute to, and belong within a cohesive team with workshop design&facilitation, I empower women to course correct the north star of their compass, dust off their innate toolkit, and reposition their crown as a transformation coach, and I also offer somatic release through holotropic style breathwork. To find out more, start here.