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Women, ADHD, High Cortisol Oh My


Yep, got up on my pulpit today with a lil #PSA. Hands clapping, eyes closing, the whole 9 yards 😭 If you’re a woman with neurodivergence and other diagnoses; you may want to take a listen. Not here to argue over righteousness; just here to share some of my own personal findings from my own personal experiences 🙏🏾


Hello, hello, hello! This should be a quick message. I just am on one. So public service announcement, um, in today's group coaching session, which is primarily made up of those living with ADHD. Once one person said a long time ago, I decided not to feel just going to eradicate feelings. Someone else said a long time ago, I gave up on feeling heard or seen.

Like I'm giving up on even thinking that that will happen. Okay. These struck a chord in me because for the past week I've been creating the slides for a masterclass that I'm going to be sharing next week and at the end of October and then maybe going forward around this rabbit hole of obsession I have found myself in, in connecting embodiment being in the body or somatics with neurodivergence.

And I am looking at my nose cause I had to make sure that I would stay focused cause I do want this to be laser. Several things have become clear to me and I listed them as six things here and I'm really feeling called to share this. Because I've just been seeing too many dots, too many plates open in the atmosphere that are hanging that actually have very significant threads between them.

First and foremost, science favors the white male body. So I'm saying this because there's simply not enough science, there's not enough case studies, there's not enough proof, there's not enough evidence connecting the things that I'm about to say. I have simply been Noting them anecdotally in the people that I work with in myself, in my friends that have neurodivergence and a variety or litany of other things that they're working with.

I mean, it's making me hot. Okay. Literally sweating. Um, so because like, even for example, you've definitely noticed more and more people seem to be getting diagnosed with neurodivergence. Those people are more often women. And that is That tends to be because, um, ADHD and the expression of how boys presented ADHD was more normalized over a longer period of time and boys were diagnosed at a much greater rate, we don't even know the rate scientifically fully, accurately, um, than girls were.

So now. Women are being diagnosed later in life having missed the boat of potential support when they were in childhood. So that's what I'm saying with that. Second point, women are finding themselves commonly coming out of doctor's appointments in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. With multiple diagnoses with neurodivergence, ADHD or autism, typically as the foundational definite one, plus some other high cortisol innervated issue like rheumatoid arthritis, let's say, for example.

Even yesterday, it came out in the news, breaking news, that Ellen DeGeneres was just diagnosed with three things upon leaving her doctor's office. ADHD, OCD, and osteoporosis, osteoporosis, high cortisol innervated issue. Okay. As I started to recognize some of these things, I wanted to dig a little deeper.

Bless up for Google Scholar, bless up for the Scholar GPT in chat GPT. Cause okay. Um, If you don't know, cortisol is a hormone that gets released when our bodies feel stress, when our bodies feel under threat or attack. If you have been in chronic fight, flight, or fawn, fawn being people pleasing, martyring yourself, not choosing your own cup, but allowing everyone else's cup to be filled, right?

If you have been in a state of chronic fight, flight, or fawn for years, you have high cortisol. That is the truth of the matter. High cortisol can look like moon face. So even me looking at myself, I definitely have added this layer right here. And, uh, certainly the lower, the lower belly fat that you can't quite seem to get rid of.

It doesn't like look like a, a belly belly. It looks like a different kind of belly. constant exhaustion. Chronic sighing is a big one. Can't catch my breath. Oxygen starvation, low immunity, sick all the time, really poor skin, high blood pressure. Those are some ways that high cortisol can look in your body as it's now unable to stay in.

Okay. From those things, high cortisol is high internal inflammation. High inflammation means your body is constantly fighting off chronic threat. Your body's been fighting in a state of fighting. What is fighting? High energy. It's a lot of energy being expended, with very little of that energy getting replenished, right?

What can that look like? And what are people starting to be diagnosed with? Cushing syndrome, adrenal fatigue, endocrine issues, my women, PCOS, me, PMDD, PTSD. Endometriosis, those are high cortisol, high inflammation issues. Um, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis. Younger and younger women are having these issues that seem to be As your body begins to degenerate, you know, at like 70 and later.

And now it's happening women in their 20s and earlier, okay? Um, onset of diabetes, type 1. I was diagnosed pre diabetic in February. Along with PCOS, as well as ADHD. That is when I started down this Well, hold on a minute. Why wasn't Why Huh? I've been going to the doctor for years. I grew up in a household where you took care of your health.

So that's what I did. The fact that I've been going to the OBGYN since I was 15, because I had a, a near, I had a near death experience at that time. Um, and I have not been told, nor was it suggested ever that there may be PCOS or anything like that, simply because I don't have the typical express symptoms.

It was figured out. through my own blood work. You gotta be kidding me. I'm 34 now. There's a thousand iterations of coulda shoulda woulda, right? But that's not what we're doing here. We're not crying over spilled milk. We're getting educated. We're collecting data because here's my point. Here's my point.

This is what's going to be laser. It is up to us to connect the dots because science has not yet caught up. So therefore I am not going to wait to figure out what's going on with me. And my body and my friends and so many of the women around me that are finding infertility issues, which when I talked to my mom about this, she said, never would it have crossed any of our minds collectively when we were in our twenties and thirties to think, could I be sterile?

Could I be infertile? Could I be having an issue when just one generation later with such an uptick in the amount of diagnoses we're dealing with. Just starting with allergies as a bare minimum, right now to neurodivergence, then to all the high cortisol related ones, which are, which innervate through all of our systems because our nervous system, uh, innervates through every single system in our body.

It's up to us to share what is up with us. It is up to us to share honestly and vulnerably, because it is through partnership and community that we I feel a call to rebuild our health and wellness. It is egregious to me to know what I'm learning and move forward as though I don't know it. I must share what I'm seeing.

And I am not attached to being right. So if someone on here is, um, a registered nurse or an OBGYN or S or a functional medicine doctor or what have you, and you want to let me know, please do because it will allow me to get a cut out of having to research everything myself and take up such a significant amount of time.

So would love it. But that's what I'm seeing. That's what I'm hearing in the people that I'm working with. This is the driver behind, I've got this upcoming masterclass. It's free. Feel free to join it. It's an hour. Um, October 7th and the 30th. I'm also creating a mini mastermind six weeks, and I'm also creating a, I'm also, uh, doing a deep work.

Facilitation while I do this, so LOL at me multitasking. Okay. This is also why I'm creating my, this is going to be like the thing that I offer. And this is the first time that I'm saying it in an out loud way, but a signature six month program where we're delving into this neurodivergence, how to partner with it and how to be bold in my health and wellness.

Because if it's to be, it's up to me. I hate how cliche it is, but often the most cliche things are the most true and real things. I do believe that we can boldly harness, lasso in our health and find rejuvenation, restoration, relaxation, rest, because the antidote to high cortisol is slowing down. And that's going to cause, I'm sure, a lot of consternation.

I'm going to trigger people with that statement of slowing down to essentially speed up almost. There's nothing more that we can do. We can't show up in full. We cannot be real. If our cups are forever empty and not just empty, but absolutely fucking parched. We're parched. Our bodies are parched. And I'm not even talking about straight up hydration.

I'm talking about the state in which we are consistently in fight, flight, and fawn. So, uh, that's my pulpit message for the day. And, uh, check you next time. Ciao for now. I don't even know how to get out of here. Oh well.


Hey, I’m Viki; a lass of many facets. TLDR: I’m a resilience coach empowering neurodivergents from living in states of TENSION to living in a state of INTENTION. As a informed practitioner, I support people through coaching, somatic guidance and communal events.

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